How to Make a Salad for Wonder Woman


Posted by Cherie Blessing | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on April 6, 2017

You can feed your lizard with a salad.  First, you wash off the dirt with water off the kale and tear it into little pieces so they don’t choke.  Then put it into the food dish.  Then you take the strawberries and rinse them off, but you leave the green stem on because it’s kind of like lettuce to them.  You cut them up small so they don’t choke and put it into the food dish.  Then you take the broccoli and rinse it off and cut it into small pieces so they don’t choke and put it into the food dish.  Finally, you take the spinach and do the same thing.

Comments (2)

I like how you taught us all to make a salad for a lizard. I like lizards. I like the bearded dragon too. I like all lizards still…..artyparty’s blog

Thank you for responding. One of my bearded dragon is named Blue and the other is named Wonder Woman. Myra named Wonder Woman….singingtoGod’s blog

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