At the Beach


Posted by Cherie Blessing | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on June 9, 2017

***At the Beach:

(a peacemaking play created for our chapel)

(Chairs moved to make volleyball net.  All class on each side of net.)

Noah:  We’re going to win this.  These girls aren’t that good anyway.

Boys:  Ha, ha, ha!  They’re going to totally lose!

Rosie:  Hey, girls!  Did you just hear those boys?  What about we go tell our mom?

Girls:  Yeah.

Rosie:  Hey, Mom, those boys said we aren’t very good at volleyball.

Mom:  Well, girls, have you thought about solving it yourselves yet?

Girls:  Well, not quite yet.

Mom:  Well, how about you go and try to solve the problem by using peacemaking, and if that doesn’t work, you may come right back to me.

Rosie:  Hey, boys, why did you say mean things about us?

Noah:  Because you girls are really bad at volleyball, and we beat you every time.

Rosie:  How about we all have one whole practice together, and then we’ll be good both ways.

Boys:  Awesome!  Yeah!

Noah:  And will you please forgive us for saying you are bad players?  That was unkind of us.

Girls:  Yes, we forgive you.

Rosie:  Let’s practice a peacemaking Bible verse. Which are we going to do?  Let’s do Proverbs 21:23.  That sounds like a good idea.  How about we practice it right now?


***All:  Proverbs 21:23  “He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity.”


Narrator:  After they played the game of volleyball, the boy team won and after the boy team won, they all went out to dinner and celebrated.


All:  Ephesians 4:32  “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

Comments (1)

That was a great story, and I liked how you talked about peacemaking!

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